So many books on success have littered the
streets today attempting to bring to light the basic needs of man. But one must
have to understand his/her present condition or circumstance before he can move
forward. No condition or circumstance is ever bound to remain the same as
change in itself is inevitably permanent. But the outcome of a change is often
determined by a lot events. For instance a condition one may have been into in
a certain prior circumstance truly may not be the same in the present. As long
as life continuous one must have tokeep making changes to his/her world,
environment, and these four walls. For as long as success is concerned I have
no permanent residence.”
The four walls includes the person of your
personality, your purpose in life, the people around you and the pattern of the
world around you. It cuts across your whole life, environment, institution, and
even workplace, just like the East, West, North and South, so are they. These
factors rotate and revolve around you notwithstanding your situation in life.
Even if you’ve just hit someone’s car by a careless driving or you’ve been isolated
or incarcerated, always remember that there four walls concerned in that situation
and once you take hold of these four walls, you are made a winner.
Never allow your circumstance take charge over
you neither should you allow an undeserved ill situation beset or have control over
your life. If you do, you will hence start acting like it and as a result
prolong the timeline of the problem. Whatever situation you find yourself in,
always be in charge. You may be the one pleading, but be in charge. Have the
consciousness and retrospect of the fact that you are pleadingornegotiating,
know the limits and purpose of your negotiating, this will help reduce undue influence.
Life is war! There are battles everywhere,
in families, classrooms of schools, workplaces, organizations. The society itself
spreads leadership and personality battles, the industrial tussle, and
government struggle of supremacy of power, who to lead and who to be led,
organization’s competitions, pressure groups and the global crisis. All these
are made possible by the interaction and counter-interactions of these four
wall as well as the actions and reaction that comes from passing through them.
The same is with communities, states and
the rest of the world, whether they be third-world, developing or developed. A
common struggle exist, and in most cases a common unsatisfied countenance have
welcomed many wars and epidemic catastrophe. Those who standout always have a
good understanding of these four walls,how to handle them and use them for
their own benefits. When they do this, they don’t just conquer, they enter into
the life of conquest.
In our society, a lot of people’s successes
and failures have in the past been tied a lot to their attitudes and at times
fate, but no one can be the actor of another’s conscious acts or its results.
Although some people prefer to remain the
way they are, upholding the fact that they cannot change, but forgetting that
what we are is commonly a combination of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of our
parents. A DNA that retains in itself certain characteristics and culture of
the society it lived in, the religion it practiced and the mental estate of their
carriers. Everyone at one point or the other is a product of his immediate
environment, and a bye-product of his society’s culture.Once in life, I watched
a child grow as a half-caste whose father is Chinese and mother Nigerian (Rivers
State). At the age of 18 he had the exact semblance of a Chinese, but just a
word from him and the way he does things reveals the nature of a typical
The characteristics and influence of our
environment is often a problem on us, but a good understanding and knowledge of
the environment and how to control it for our own benefit is the way out. Like
a coin with two sides, so is every situation we find ourselves in.
No matter how bad your situation is, it is
not peculiar to you alone. There is a good side to it, and if you want to live
well, you must make good use of the good, against the bad, and in that way you
solve the problem.
Some people feel their country is a
deprivation, but one stands a chance of similar situations everywhere. The only
difference might be in the state of the environment, people and the pattern of
operations. But if you make a difference where you are, then you certainly can
then make a difference where you want to be. All governments work to make
difference at the long-run that will be sustainable to the society, every
short-run difference in life must be made individually, and that’s how
societies grow.
In this new discovery, you will be
introduced to your four walls and led on how to capture. This will be done step
by step in order to enable you make great use of them, there lies your success.
Take out valuable time to complete the study of this book, and think/meditate
in between these truths that are revealed in this book. You will succeed
because you have chosen to.
“walls don't fall without effort.”
Shusterman, Bruiser.
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