Tuesday, January 5, 2016

About The Book - The Four Walls, Live Like The Wind, Free, Without Hindrances!

The Four Walls is a book borne out of both inspiration and the need to proffer solution to the decaying purpose of the life of many people today. It is principally written, to bring light to the world of those who still think about how to succeed and when they can. Today, many people still can’t find their feet, a lot of people are holding on to artificial success, while some are actually succeeding not knowing they are. All that has been written about the topics which this book covers have all been written with a vision of making your living worthy.
This book will practically take you from wherever you can be found in the line of success to a place of glorification and meaningfulness. It will take you from “I don’t know what else to do”, to “I now know what to do”.
In this book, you will find yourself, your purpose, your useful people, and your host environment of success, as these are the keys you need to put in place, before attracting any other thing. The book will implore you by practical guide to understand that you were and you still are a success and that you can work towards your utmost without any guess work.
The book also recognizes other laws of success as profound, but introduces to you The Ultimate and Infallible Law of Success that has been demonstrated beyond reasonable doubts.
The book is an exposition and it guarantees you a change if you read for the purpose of finding something valuable for yourself.

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